Sunday, April 19, 2009

Web 2.0 vs Web 1.0

Whats the difference between the two?
I think Web 2.0 can be defined as a further developed and advanced version of what the internet originated from, which would be Web 1.0.

What are the benefits?
It would appear there are many benefits, which were depicted in the initial brainstorming session by Tim O'Reilly at the Web 2.0 Conference ( as stated below -

Which format do you think you would like better and why?
I think there will be many versions of the Web to come. We need to adapt to new technology and developing trends to further progress. I like Web 2.0 because it is more advanced than Web 1.0.


  1. Hey Channy

    Nice blog spot, how do you think we can avoid being left behind in the cyber race with software and programs constantly being up graded. Do you use a special program to update yourself on whats going on or do you simply browse.

    How do you think the everyday person can keep themselves up to date on the progress of the web or do you think its something that most people simply never give any thought to.

    I will watch your blog with great interest.


    Michelle Robson

  2. Hi Chantelle, welcome to blogging. Just a word of caution, be sure to reference anything you quote or use from another site or author. It's both good blog etiquette and a requirement for the assessment. Let me know if there's anything you wish clarified.

  3. Thanks for the comments!

    Michelle, I have no idea how people can avoid being left behind! There is always so much happening in the internet realm. Generally, I just browse and stumble upon new things.

    Obviously, the more popular a program is the more exposure it receives and therefore they continue to attract more people for example Facebook, Myspace and Twitter.

    Twitter was on the Channel 10 news last night because there was a Twitter Convention in Sydney and all the "Twitters" got together. So even the media keeps us up-to-date, a little.

    I'm not sure that people give much thought to keeping up with new internet programs. I think most people are probably similar to me and whilst they're browsing they come across new programs.
